Thursday, December 31, 2015

Motivation Comes from Within.

I'm sure most of my health and fitness industry colleagues have been furiously hammering away at their computer keyboards this week, updating their blogs, websites, and newsletters with those magical words that are going to motive their current clients and prospects to make 2016 their year and FINALLY get in shape - whatever "getting in shape" means to them.

Unfortunately if you are looking for motivation don't come to me. That doesn't mean I do not care about helping my clients achieve their goals, I do and it's what I do every day. What I'm saying is don't look to me to be your cheerleader.

The motivation you need to make positive changes and begin leading a healthy lifestyle must come from within.

If you are sitting there with a glass of champagne in your hand, eyes glued to the TV waiting for that F@#$ing ball to drop right now (Yes, it's 10pm and I am sitting in front of my computer writing this. What can I say? I sure know how to party don't I?) and thinking, "You know what? THIS is the year I'm going to get that 6-pack!" you are setting yourself up for failure.

Alcohol-induced superficial goals will not get you past February 1st.

Your motivation needs to come from within.

What is it that you really want to accomplish? Are you sick of being tired all the time? Do you want more energy? More mobility? Excellent health? To avoid the chronic diseases we are "supposed" to get as we age? More strength? More endurance?

What do you need to do to improve the quality of your life?

Once you decide what it is you really want to change you can then make the appropriate changes to your lifestyle. Yes lifestyle. A 12-week challenge and bottle of fat-burning pills will not help you achieve your goals. Once you do that guess what? The lean, healthy, and strong body you want will happen as a side effect of this change.

Don't believe me? I spent nearly 15 years chasing superficial goals, but when I finally made the decision to improve my health by adopting a plant-based diet and a more holistic approach to my fitness training, not only did I achieve exceptional health, my body changed almost immediately. I was leaner, more muscular and more flexible in my late 30's than I ever was, and continue to progress as I enter my 5th decade.

Click here to read about my personal journey in regaining my health!

Regardless of what you set as your health and fitness goals there are three things you will need to do to guarantee success.

  1. Change your approach to nutrition. Adopt a whole-food, plant-based diet.
  2. Strengthen your physical body. Lift weights, run, and start a restorative / energy cultivation practice like qigong or yoga.
  3. Strengthen your mind. Meditate.
Sure, these can be broken down further, but these three things done consistently are absolutely essential to guarantee your success. We will get deeper into this in upcoming blogs in the coming weeks as we enter the new year.

It is my sincerest hope that 2016 is your healthiest, happiest and most prosperous year yet! As always I will do everything I can to help you achieve your goals but you must supply the motivation. I hope you take advantage of all the information I provide in this blog and on my Strength and Health TV video blog.

If you are looking for more in-depth help I offer many different training and consulting services - everything from health & fitness training, sport performance training, plant-based nutrition consultation and much more - both in person and online. 

Please feel free to email me at if you would like more information on my personal training and consulting services.

Stay Strong AND Healthy!


"Let's raise the stakes on the bet we made. Let's decide to be the architects, the masters of our fate."
'Architects' by, Rise Against

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Strength & Health TV - Episode 23: Interview with Vegan Bodybuilder Erin Fergus.

In this week's episode my good friend and Plantbuilt teammate Erin Fergus stopped by my training center to talk about her transition into a vegan lifestyle, her favorite contest-prep and off-season foods, her experience in bodybuilding competitions, her favorite lifts, why the idea that you can't build muscle on a plant-based diet is a bunch of non-sense, and much more. 

After we destroyed some vegan donuts from the amazing Revolution Donuts here in Atlanta - HUGE thanks to my buddy Kevin Miller for hooking us up!

If you'd like to lean more about Erin you can follow her on social media at:

She offers great health, fitness and training tips on her YouTube channel as well:

You can also read her story, along with 22 other vegan athletes, health & fitness pros and activists in the book Plant-Based Performance: Know Your Own Strength available at:

Remember 100% of all Plant-Based Performance book sales go to benefit animal welfare organizations, specifically Mercy For Animals, the Animal Legal Defense Fund, and Forgotten Animals Rescue.

Stay Strong AND Healthy!


Thursday, December 24, 2015

Strength and Health TV - Episode 22: My Daily Dozen Mobility and Flexibility Series.

In this week's episode I present my favorite joint mobility and flexibility exercises, twelve in all, that I try to perform on a daily basis.

By no means are these the be-all, end-all of mobility and flexibility exercises, but these twelve are the ones that I try to do on a daily basis. I have found these to have the greatest impact on my strength training, martial arts training and overall health.

As always, I hope you that you enjoyed this week's episode and if you have any comments or suggestions on future show topics please leave them in the comment section below.

Stay Strong AND Healthy!


Thursday, December 17, 2015

Strength & Health TV - Episode 21: Underground Secrets to Faster Running, Book Review.

In this week's episode I review the book, "Underground Secrets to Faster Running" by, Barry Ross which was recommended to my by Louie Simmons from Westside Barbell.

In a nutshell Barry believes one of the greatest keys to faster running is to get stronger. Throughout the book he points to studies that validate his training methodology.

His theories are not just speculation, in addition to providing the science he has plenty of empirical evidence to back up his methods including the amazing performance of Allyson Felix who in 2003, as a high school athlete, posted a world record performance in the 200 meters.

In addition to the science Barry discusses his favorite strength exercises and gives many examples of his programming recommendations.

If you are a coach, trainer, or athlete I cannot recommend this book highly enough. 

Click here to get your copy on Amazon. 

Click here to subscribe to my YouTube Channel to receive updates on future episodes.

Stay Strong AND Healthy!


Thursday, December 10, 2015

Team Plantbuilt's Presentation at the 2015 Atlanta Veg Fest!

Atlanta Veg Fest was this month on November 7 and Team Plantbuilt was part of the speaker line-up. Team captains and physique athletes Dani Taylor and Giacomo Marchese were joined by physique athletes Erin Fergus and Torre Washington and powerlifters Jake Henderson and myself.

After showing a video of Team Plantbuilt, we each took the stage and spoke about our individual experiences and what we did for the team. After we did a short Q&A with the audience.

My good friend Tom Kreutzer attended and edited this excellent video of our presentation. I hope you enjoy it!

Click here to subscribe to my YouTube Channel!

Stay Strong AND Healthy!


Thursday, December 3, 2015

Strength and Health TV - Episode 20: Interview with vegan strongman and powerlifter Justin Morgan.

In this week's episode I talk with vegan strongman competitor and powerlifting member of Team Plantbuilt, Justin Morgan.

We discuss why he bacame vegan, how he was able to go from 175 lbs to 230 lbs and gain a ton of strength on a 100% vegan diet, and what his current training and nutrition programming is like.

In addition we talk about his upcoming USAPL powerlifting competition and his future goals.

Unfortunately we had a little difficulty with the recording at about 38:00 to 39:30 Justin dropped off and had to call back in so we apologize for the break in the video, but hope you enjoy this week's episode regardless.

You can follow Justin at:

Stay Strong AND Healthy!


Friday, November 27, 2015

Strength and Health TV - Episode 19: Interview with vegan powerlifter Jason Morris!

In this week's episode I talk with my good friend and brother from another mother, Jason Morris. Jason is a powerlifter on Team Plantbuilt, a personal trainer, an ethical vegan and an all around awesome guy.

Some of the topics we cover are why Jason became vegan, why the idea that you cannot build muscle and strength eating a plant-based diet is a complete myth regardless of what the "experts" say, how Jason got into powerlifting and why the Universe steered him away from bodybuilding, the infamous Team Plantbuilt 2014 pizza prank, the ethical side of veganism, and much more!

Connect with Jason online at - there you will find information about his training services as well as links to his social media pages.

Be sure to check out to find out how you can support them in preventing the University of Washington from building a new animal research facility and learn about the unnecessary cruelty research animals are subject to.

Be sure to check out the fully documented Pizza Prank - thanks to our friends Sasha and Matt at - here:

I hope you enjoy this week's episode!

Stay Strong AND Healthy!


Friday, November 20, 2015

Strength and Health TV - Episode 18: Fixing the Squat.

In this week's episode I talk about a common problem I see with many of my lifters in the squat. Many of them tend to dump the bar forward coming out of the hole, or bottom position of the squat.

There are a few different reasons I have seen for this, but primarily it is due to a weak lower back or driving too hard with the legs while not pushing the head and upper back into the bar as they drive out of the hole.

Hopefully you enjoy this video and if you are experiencing a similar issue I hope these tips help you to fix your squat and get more weight on the bar!

Friday, November 13, 2015

My Interview with Justin Morgan of Carbed Up Vegan Muscle!

Big thanks to my buddy and teammate Justin Morgan for having me on his Carbed Up Vegan Muscle video blog show!

We talk about powerlifting, vegan diet, Team Plantbuilt, and the Gilmore Girls!

Check it out!

Be sure to subscribe to Justin's YouTube channel - click here to subscribe to Carbed Up Vegan Muscle.

Stay Strong AND Healthy!


Saturday, November 7, 2015

Scott Shetler's Strength and Health TV - Episode 17: The Business of Health, Fitness, and Training.

In this week's episode I talk about my experience getting into the health, fitness and strength & conditioning industry as I went from emplyee to business owner.

I also share my thoughts and some advice for new or prospective trainers getting into the business and discuss the pros and cons of different employee, contractor and owner positions.

I hope you enjoy this week's episode and if you have any suggestions on future topics please leave them in the comment section below.

Subscribe to my YouTube channel to get updates on future episodes.

Any questions email me at:

Stay Strong AND Healthy!


Friday, November 6, 2015

Strength and Health TV - Episode 16: A Look at My Training and Nutrition.

In this week's episode I provide an overview of my own personal training and nutrition plan. I've gotten some questions regarding the specifics of how I train so I wanted to talk a little more about my own programming.

My main focus is health and longevity so I put most of my focus on my study of the internal martial art of Taijiquan and following a nutrient dense plant-based diet. These two things have had the greatest impact on my overall health of anything I've ever done. 

That being said, I still like the challenge of heavy lifting and continue to follow a powerlifting approach to training with a big focus on the deadlift. I do a lot of restoration work, GPP,  and intensive qigong and meditation practice.

With all that being said, I can honestly say I am healthier and stronger at 40 years of age than I've ever been and I have no plans of slowing down anytime soon!

Here is an overview of my current "strength and health" plan:

Every day: nutrition consists of a nutrient dense, plant-based diet and while it is mostly clean, whole foods, I do enjoy some less than healthy food options, sometimes a little too much!

Five days per week I do intensive qigong practice and meditation as well as a special type of "health" massage with an iron brush.

On M/W/F I have 2 hours of formal Taijiquan practice with my teacher, and I practice on my own as much as possible.

My strength training is a 4-day per week, Westside Barbell influenced training plan.

Monday - max effort lower body with a separate upper body GPP workout.

Tuesday - max effort upper body with a separate lower body GPP workout.

Thursday - dynamic effort lower body with a separate upper body GPP workout.

Friday - dynamic effort upper body with a separate lower body GPP workout.

In addition I do a LOT of restoration work with Indian clubs, and flexibility / mobility training, particularly to support my Taijiquan practice.

I hope you enjoyed this week's episode and look into my own personal strength and health practices, and be sure to subscribe to my YouTube channel for updates on future episodes.

Stay Strong AND Healthy!


Friday, October 30, 2015

Strength and Health TV - Episode 15: The Way to Live in Health and Physical Fitness.

In this week's episode I feature one of my favorite books on the topic of physical culture, "The Way to Live in Health and Physical Fitness" by, George "The Russian Lion" Hackenschmidt.

The underlying theme in the book is that health can never be divorced from strength. The approach many of the founding fathers of physical culture took was a more balanced, holistic approach to total human development. To develop the whole of the man and not just the muscles.

Many of the works, including Hackenschmidt's, can be found for free on this website:

Stay Strong AND Healthy!


Friday, October 23, 2015

Scott Shetler's Strength & Health TV - Episode 14: Special Guest of Dead Prez!

In this week's episode I talk with my good friend Stic from the hip hop duo Dead Prez.

In the interview we discuss the training we did, supported with his wife Afya's plant-based nutrition expertise, to help him pack on 20 lbs. of muscle in under 3 months!

This process went on to become our book, "Eat Plants, Lift Iron".

Stic talks about how the transformation that took place was much more than just adding pounds to the barbell and the scale. This journey was as much about personal growth and spiritual development as it was physical strength and muscle mass.

I've always said that there are a lot of lessons wrapped up in that pile of iron in the gym, Stic shares some of the ones he learned and much more!

In case you have missed any previous episodes, click here check them out here on my Strength & Health TV playlist.

If you are interested in getting a copy of "Eat Plants, Lift Iron" click here!

Stay Strong AND Healthy!


Friday, October 16, 2015

Strength and Health TV - Episode 13: My Journey to Westside Barbell & Bonus Episode 13.5.

In this week's episode I recap some of the information I learned from Louie Simmons when one of my athletes and I visited him at his Westside Barbell Club in Columbus, OH a couple of weeks ago.

I've been a fan of Louie's work for over 10 years now and have benefitted tremendously from the information he's shared through is videos, books, and website. I've used his methods extensively, and with great success, with many of the athletes, lifters and clients I've trained over the years and getting to work with him in person was amazing.

Not only did he work with us on my athlete's strength and conditioning preparation for his 2016 Olympic Trials but I got to work with him on my own training as well.

Louie has more knowledge combined with practical experience than anyone I've ever met and it was an absolute honor to train with him. He and everyone else at Westside were very gracious with their time and very informative. I can't wait to go back!

I hope you enjoyed this week's episode and be sure to check out Episode 13.5 - a bonus video I put together of the chair deadlift Louie taught me to help with building my deadlift technique and strength.

In this week's bonus video I am demonstrating an exercise Louie Simmons taught me to help improve my technique and build strength in the deadlift. This is an exercise he developed to help strengthen and utilize the hips and he suggested that after watching me work up in the deadlift and saw that as the weights got heavier I started using my legs and back and wasn't pulling back into the deadlift enough to engage my hips.

This exercise is brilliant and has already helped me improve my technique dramatically.

I hope you enjoy the video and be sure to give this a shot to see if it will benefit your deadlift as well.

Stay Strong AND Healthy!


Friday, October 9, 2015

Strength and Health TV - Episode 12: Mindful Training.

In this week's episode I talk about the importance of mindfulness in our training and health and fitness practices. 

Unfortunately I feel that most people think mindfulness is reserved for things like meditation, qigong and yoga exclusively. Without bringing a strong mental approach to our training and physical development we will never achieve everything that we are capable of.

If we are able to have a strong mental approach to our training and physical practices not only will we get more out of our training but we will be able to transform our training into a sort of "meditative experience".

I hope you enjoy this week's episode and if you have any questions or suggestions for future show topics please leave them in the comments below.

Stay Strong AND Healthy!


Friday, October 2, 2015

Scott Shetler's Strength and Health TV - Episode 11: Interview with Atlanta Humane League Director Chris Guinn.

In this week's episode we talk with Chris Guinn, director of the Humane League's Atlanta office.

Animal rights and welfare is extremely important to me, so it was awesome to have Chris as my guest this week!

We talked about his work for animal rights with the Humane League, effective and non-effective forms of activism, myths associated with the vegan diet and lifestyle, the Team Humane League fundraising project and more!

For more info check out these links Chris references in the video:

I hope you enjoyed this week's episode and leave any suggestions for future show topics in the comments below.

Stay Strong AND Healthy,


Friday, September 25, 2015

Scott Shetler's Strength and Health TV - Episode 10: Plant-Based Performance.

In this week's episode I talk about my side project Plant-Based Performance.

Plant-Based Performance is a project I've put together to benefit animal welfare. Right now it is a series of two books the content of which is made up of unique contributions by myself and over 40 other vegan athletes, health and fitness professionals, and activists. 

People like former UFC fighter Mac Danzig, WWE superstar and hall of famer Amy "Lita" Dumas, ultrarunner and author Matt Frazier from No Meat Athlete, registered dietitian Matt Ruscigno, of the hip hop duo Dead Prez, professional bodybuilder Torre "Tha Vegan Dread" Washington, and many more!

100% of all book sales go directly to benefit the following organizations: Mercy For Animals, the Animal Legal Defense Fund, and Forgotten Animals Rescue.

I hope you enjoy this week's episode, and to learn more about Plant-Based Performance and and to help us support these amazing organizations by grabbing your copies of the books, visit us on the web at:

Also, if you are a vegan athlete, health and fitness professional or activist and would like to get involved with future projects email me at

Stay Strong AND Healthy,


Friday, September 18, 2015

Scott Shetler's Strength and Health TV - Episode 9: Loading Parameters.

In this week's episode I discuss what I feel are the most important variables in developing a training program, loading parameters, specifically: intensity, sets, reps, and volume.

We look at why intensity is NOT a "backwards ball cap and grimace", the inverse relationship between intensity and volume, why bodybuilders get it wrong when they say that slowing down rep tempo increases intensity, and why it's important to train with near maximal and maximal weights whether the goal is absolute strength or hypertrophy.

I hope you enjoy this week's episode and be sure to subscribe to my YouTube channel to receive updates on future episodes!

If you have any suggestions on future episode topics leave them in the comments below.

Stay Strong AND Healthy,


Friday, September 11, 2015

Scott Shetler's Strength and Health TV - Episode 8: Restoration and Recovery.

In this week's episode I talk about restoration and recovery and why I feel these methods are under-utilized. One of my mentors Dr. Ed Thomas has said that "fitness shouldn't hurt" and that training should be restorative.

I think this becomes even more important as we age, as I know many people who cannot train at high intensitites very frequently due to not being able to recover from heavy training like they could when they were younger.

I also talk about the appropriate recovery methods to implement for sympathetic or parasympathetic dominance.

We need to become smarter about our training and having a good handle on restoration and recovery measures is the first step.

I hope you enjoy this week's episode and if you have any questions or suggestions for future topics please leave them in the comments section below!

Stay Strong AND Healthy,


Friday, September 4, 2015

Scott Shetler's Strength and Health TV - Episode 7: Pre- and Post-Training Nutrition Strategies.

In this week's episode I talk about pre- and post-training nutrition as well as some recommendations I've learned from various industry related sources.

I also briefly discuss the recommendations from Dr. John Ivy in his book "Nutrient Timing".

In addition I talk about my own pre- and post-training nutrition as well.

If you have any suggestions on future topics please leave them in the comments below.

Stay Strong AND Healthy,


Friday, August 28, 2015

Scott Shetler's Strength and Health TV - Episode 6: The Truth About Getting "Toned"!

In this week's episode I talk about what the elusive "tone" is and how to get it. 

Getting toned is a by-product of training the nervous system, not endless "pump and burn" sets of high reps with light weights. 

Real muscle tone comes from heavy, frequent training and is residual tension in a relaxed muscle. In order to accomplish this you need to focus on high tension strength exercises, like squats and deadlifts, with heavy to near maximal weights. 

I hope you enjoy this week's episode, and be sure to subscribe to my YouTube channel to receive updates on future episodes.

Stay Strong AND Healthy,


Friday, August 21, 2015

Scott Shetler's Strength and Health TV - Episode 5: Protein and Supplements on a Vegan Diet.

In this week's episode of Strength and Health TV I talk about the most over-hyped, most talked about, most abused macronutrient on the planet.... PROTEIN! 

As my friend of Dead Prez proved by gaining 20lbs of mass eating a whole food, vegan diet, protein just ain't that hard to get, so stop worrying!

I also wanted to talk about some other important supplements that a lot of focus tends to be on when we talk about vegetarian and vegan diets particularly vitamin B12, DHA and EPA, and the essential amino acid Lysine.

I hope you enjoy this episode and if you have any topic suggestions please email me at or leave them in the comments below this video.

Stay Strong AND Healthy,


Friday, August 14, 2015

Scott Shetler's Strength and Health TV - Episode 4: Interview with Fitness Professional Delaine Ross!

In this week's episode I'm excited to have my good friend, fitness professional and kettlebell trainer, Delaine Ross stop by the training center for a quick chat.

We talk about Delaine's evolution from becoming a kettlebell enthusiast, to training center owner, to coaching coaches. In addition we talk about the benefits of training basic compound movements, why women SHOULD lift heavy iron, and how smashing a mouthy grocery store clerk's arm in an impromptu arm wrestling match led to a 2nd place finish in the 2014 Georgia State Arm Wrestling Championships!

To learn more about Delaine and her services and products visit her website at:

Stay Strong AND Healthy,


Friday, August 7, 2015

Scott Shetler's Strength and Health TV - Episode 3: Let's Talk Training!

In this episode I talk very generally about the topic of training and why I feel a holistic approach to development is much better than focusing solely on physical development.

I discuss why incorporating practices such as yoga, tai chi and meditation that focus on internal development are important to achieve true health.

I address why people over 35-40 years old should consider implementing more resorative activities than intense training sessions and why hormone optimization become more important as we get older, for more on hormone optimization check out my friend Mike Mahler at - his articles, videos and supplements he offers are some of the best in this area.

I also talk about why one of the most profound statements from one of my mentors, Dr. Ed Thomas, "Fitness shouldn't hurt." is as simple as my approach to training is. This and much more!

I hope you enjoy this week's episode, and if you have any suggestions for future topics please leave them in the comment section below.

Stay Strong AND Healthy,
