Friday, August 28, 2015

Scott Shetler's Strength and Health TV - Episode 6: The Truth About Getting "Toned"!

In this week's episode I talk about what the elusive "tone" is and how to get it. 

Getting toned is a by-product of training the nervous system, not endless "pump and burn" sets of high reps with light weights. 

Real muscle tone comes from heavy, frequent training and is residual tension in a relaxed muscle. In order to accomplish this you need to focus on high tension strength exercises, like squats and deadlifts, with heavy to near maximal weights. 

I hope you enjoy this week's episode, and be sure to subscribe to my YouTube channel to receive updates on future episodes.

Stay Strong AND Healthy,


Friday, August 21, 2015

Scott Shetler's Strength and Health TV - Episode 5: Protein and Supplements on a Vegan Diet.

In this week's episode of Strength and Health TV I talk about the most over-hyped, most talked about, most abused macronutrient on the planet.... PROTEIN! 

As my friend of Dead Prez proved by gaining 20lbs of mass eating a whole food, vegan diet, protein just ain't that hard to get, so stop worrying!

I also wanted to talk about some other important supplements that a lot of focus tends to be on when we talk about vegetarian and vegan diets particularly vitamin B12, DHA and EPA, and the essential amino acid Lysine.

I hope you enjoy this episode and if you have any topic suggestions please email me at or leave them in the comments below this video.

Stay Strong AND Healthy,


Friday, August 14, 2015

Scott Shetler's Strength and Health TV - Episode 4: Interview with Fitness Professional Delaine Ross!

In this week's episode I'm excited to have my good friend, fitness professional and kettlebell trainer, Delaine Ross stop by the training center for a quick chat.

We talk about Delaine's evolution from becoming a kettlebell enthusiast, to training center owner, to coaching coaches. In addition we talk about the benefits of training basic compound movements, why women SHOULD lift heavy iron, and how smashing a mouthy grocery store clerk's arm in an impromptu arm wrestling match led to a 2nd place finish in the 2014 Georgia State Arm Wrestling Championships!

To learn more about Delaine and her services and products visit her website at:

Stay Strong AND Healthy,


Friday, August 7, 2015

Scott Shetler's Strength and Health TV - Episode 3: Let's Talk Training!

In this episode I talk very generally about the topic of training and why I feel a holistic approach to development is much better than focusing solely on physical development.

I discuss why incorporating practices such as yoga, tai chi and meditation that focus on internal development are important to achieve true health.

I address why people over 35-40 years old should consider implementing more resorative activities than intense training sessions and why hormone optimization become more important as we get older, for more on hormone optimization check out my friend Mike Mahler at - his articles, videos and supplements he offers are some of the best in this area.

I also talk about why one of the most profound statements from one of my mentors, Dr. Ed Thomas, "Fitness shouldn't hurt." is as simple as my approach to training is. This and much more!

I hope you enjoy this week's episode, and if you have any suggestions for future topics please leave them in the comment section below.

Stay Strong AND Healthy,
