Thursday, December 22, 2016

Strength & Health TV - Episode 42: Why Cutting Weight is a Mistake.

In this video I talk about why I feel cutting weight for novice to intermediate strength athletes is a mistake.

All too often I hear new lifters complaining about the horrors of cutting weight and they have barely even begun their competitive career. I feel if strength is the goal it is far better to grow into your weight class and not cut to your weight class. Strength sports are about getting bigger and stronger, not smaller and weaker.

This does not apply to everyone, elite and professional lifters are a different story, but until you are competing at that level you do not need to worry about the cut. Going into your competition well fed, well hydrated and well rested is a much better approach even if it means being in the next weight class up.

Having to go through various weight cutting methods the week of a competition brings new elements of complexity and both physiological and psychological stress that a novice lifter does not need.

I hope you enjoyed this week's video and please leave any questions or suggestions for future show topics in the comments section below.

Stay Strong AND Healthy,


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Friday, December 9, 2016

Strength & Health TV - Episode 41: A Different Twist on Kettlebell Conditioning.

In this week's episode I discuss and demonstrate some of the kettlebell exercises I use for GPP and extra workouts and how I've integrated them into the belt squat.

The belt squat is a great device for leg training as it provides a way to squat with no spinal compression that actually tractions the lumbar spine. In addition to normal squatting, there are endless exercises you can do in the belt squat and I extend my deepest thanks to Louie Simmons for turning me onto this device.

One of my favorite things to use the belt squat for is kettlebell conditioning. Kettlebell exercises make up a huge part of my extra workouts and I've found doing them in the belt squat works the hips and legs to a completely new level.

I hope you enjoy this week's video and be sure to leave any questions or suggestions for upcoming show topics in the comments section below.

Stay Strong AND Healthy,


Thursday, December 1, 2016

The Best Training Program Is No Training Program.

One of the most talked about topics I see in the fitness blog-o-sphere and social media is programming. I always see comments asking “what program you’re doing”, or “I’m starting this program Monday”. I used to read a popular online muscle zine’ and every time an author would post a training article the comments would read “Starting this tomorrow!”, “just what I needed!” and so on.

I’m here to tell you that the absolute best program you can do is no program. Unfortunately this truth won’t sit well with fitness journalists and gurus who need to publish the latest, greatest training program each month. Plus endless articles about training principles would be incredibly boring for the average gym rat. However, that is where the results are at, in the principles.
EPTS athlete and BJJ brown belt Chris Jones uses exercises HE needs for his sport.
It’s about principles not programs.

The problem with programs is that one size does not fit all. Programs don’t take into account an individual’s weak points. No one should train exactly the same. That doesn’t mean a group of powerlifters shouldn’t squat or bench press, but how they go about building those movements may differ greatly. If someone’s hamstrings are a weak point in the deadlift, they will prioritize different accessory exercises than someone who’s lower back is a weak point.

Before I continue I do believe programs are good for beginners. If you are just starting out and have less than 1-2 years of consistent training under your belt, a well balanced program is a good idea. Something that trains all muscle groups in a balanced manner with a wide variety of exercises. This isn’t time for the super secret Russian squat, bench, deadlift only for hard comrades training program. If you are a beginner you need to build muscle and strength. A program introducing compound exercises with appropriately selected single joint exercises that increases in volume and intensity over time will deliver great results. Eventually some movements and muscle groups will start to slow in progress and it’s at this point you will need to learn to take responsibility for your training and learn the principles of training.

Using accomodating resistance for speed deadlifts to build rate of force production and lockout strength.
The principles.

According to Vladimir Zatsiorsky, in his book “Science and Practice of Strength Training”, there are three methods of training to increase muscular tension.

  1. Maximal Effort Method - lifting a maximal weight.
  2. Dynamic Effort Method - lifting a non-maximal load with the greatest possible force.
  3. Repeated Effort Method - lifting a non-maximal load to failure.
*There is also a method he refers to as the sub-maximal effort method, which is the lifting of a non-maximal load for an intermediate number of repetitions without going to failure.

These training methods also make up a significant part of the work my mentor Louie Simmons has successfully done with athletes as well as his world famous powerlifting team. Louie takes these methods, and scientifically backed training principles, and applies them to powerlifting, as well as other sports like fighting, track, football and many others. On a recent visit to Westside Barbell I was having breakfast with Louie and his crew and he confirmed a suspicion I had as to why most people don’t understand his conjugate training method. People are always looking for a program, a cookie cutter template they can take to the gym and do without any thought. That’s not what his method teaches. His method teaches you the scientific principles of training but you need to learn how to apply them to your sport. He said to me that it is important to learn how to train yourself by constantly assessing your progress and implementing the appropriate exercises to build your weak points and that no two athletes or lifters programs are identical.

Learning from Louie himself. If you want to understand the Westside method, you have to go to Westside.
In order to get stronger you must raise your training volume and intensity over time. In short you need to lift heavier weights and do more work while addressing all training principles and variables appropriately. Sure, some people like to say getting strong isn’t rocket science, you just add more weight to the bar, but I have yet to see a high level athlete who doesn’t pay attention to every detail of his physical training program.

Does this apply to the strength enthusiast? Absolutely. Whether you are training to be a world champion or just to get stronger and more generally fit you need to apply the appropriate principles to your training.
Just some of the equipment our athletes and clients have access to at Extreme Performance Training Systems.
Don’t fall into the trap of doing the latest program your favorite muscle rag or blogger has posted, take the time to evaluate your training and learn how to build and evolve a training plan that will allow you to accomplish your personal goals.

Stay Strong and Healthy!


Monday, October 24, 2016

Strength & Health TV - Episode 40: Why I Do Not Like Training Programs

In this video I discuss why I am not a fan of training programs. Rather I think it is important for a trainee to understand the principles and methods of training and how to control the other variables and loading parameters that make up their individual programming.

For success in training your programming needs to address your specific needs and following a cookie cutter program will not help you accomplish this.

I hope you enjoyed this video and please leave any questions or suggestions for future topics in the comments section below.

Stay Strong AND Healthy,


Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Strength & Health TV - Episode 39: The Importance of Accessory Work.

In this week's video I talk about my views on accessory work and why it's important for lifters and athletes as well as how I select the work we perform.

Too many times you get opinions that are on both sides of the spectrum. There are the people who believe in performing the classical lifts only and that in perfection of the lifts themselves strength will go up, i.e. the "if you want to squat more, bench more and deadlift more then you need to squat more, bench more and deadlift more" crowd.

Then there are the people who believe "everything is weak so train it all".

I fall in the middle, I feel we as coaches, trainers, and athletes need to constantly assess those we train, and ourselves, and determine what is holding back our lifts or sport performance and then implement the appropriate accessory exercises to ensure strength and performance progress.

If you have any questions or suggestions for future topics please leave them in the comments section below.

Stay Strong AND Healthy,


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Tuesday, September 13, 2016

40 Things I’ve Learned Since Going Vegan.

Protein deficient.
  1. It’s not that hard and I should have done it sooner.
  2. Eating soy will not give you boobs.
  3. Based on lab work and physicals, my health has never been better.
  4. It was the easiest 50 lbs I’ve ever lost.
  5. People who tell me about all the problems with a vegan diet have never been vegan themselves.
  6. Protein is overrated.
  7. Complete protein is a myth. You do not need to combine foods to eat complete protein at every meal. You can eat your beans and rice together or separate, your body will pool the amino acids and use them as needed.
  8. A vegan diet is not necessarily a healthy diet.
  9. The healthiest diet, and according to Dr. Michael Greger the only diet that has been shown to reverse heart disease, is a whole food plant based diet.
  10. A whole food plant based diet is a vegan diet.
  11. The beef industry destroys over 10-times the amount of rainforest as the palm oil industry.
  12. Don’t bitch to me about the palm oil industry if you eat meat.
  13. Both the palm oil and beef industries suck.
  14. If you eat meat and call yourself an environmentalist you need to step back for a minute and think about that.
  15. Most of the vegans I know are some of the nicest, most compassionate people I’ve ever met.
  16. Many vegans out there are annoying as hell.
  17. At some level everyone supports animal exploitation. At the very least if you pay your taxes you are supporting factory farms, so holier-than-though-vegans should chill out a little.
  18. If you eat meat and use a protein supplement it means you’re awesome and optimizing your diet. If you are vegan and use a protein powder it means your diet is deficient. Hmmm.
  19. Great vegan athletes are only great because they ate meat at some point in their life or are using steroids. Yes, that’s sarcasm.
  20. Joe Rogan should stick to stand up comedy and UFC commentary and leave nutrition and training advice to professionals.
  21. While vegan MMA fighter Mac Danzig never won a title belt in the UFC, neither did all of the meat eaters he beat.
  22. Carbohydrates do not make you fat.
  23. What most people classify as “bad carbs” usually have more calories from fat than carbohydrates.
  24. It’s not hard to eat out at all and you can find something totally vegan at almost every restaurant.
  25. Being healthy and performing well athletically while eating a vegan diet is not hard at all, and the only people who say it is are not vegans themselves.
  26. Factory farming sucks for the environment.
  27. Organic / free range farming sucks for wildlife.
  28. Both factory farming and organic / free range farming suck for the animals and neither are sustainable.
  29. If you're one of the “animal lovers” who only eats “happy cows” or “humanely slaughtered” animals please walk the “happy free range” cow into the slaughterhouse and watch the bolt get shot into its head, get hung upside down and throat slit so it can bleed out and let me know how happy the cow was.
  30. Factory farmed animals and organic free range animals all meet the same fate. Neither are happy fates.
  31. If you eat eggs you support an industry that grinds 1 day old male chicks alive because they will never be able to lay eggs. Yes they are thrown onto a conveyer belt and dropped into a grinder at 1 day old. Even the organic ones.
  32. If you eat cheese and/or drink milk (yes even the organic stuff) you are supporting an industry that artificially inseminates female cows to keep them pregnant for their entire lives (in humans this would be called rape) and any calves born are taken away never to nurse from or be with their mothers (yes, even the organic ones) and if that calf had the misfortune of being born male they are auctioned off to be sold for veal (yes, even the organic ones).
  33. No, if we stop eating meat the world will not be overrun with farm animals.
  34. Male piglets are castrated, testicles ripped off their body, with no anesthesia. Screw your stupid “mmmm, bacon” fetish.
  35. If you’ve never seen footage from a slaughterhouse watch it. Educate yourself and understand where the meat packaged up in grocery stores comes from.
  36. Pigs, cows, and chickens are no less sentient than your pet dog or cat. Please don’t complain to me about the Yulin Dog Meat festival while you are eating a steak.
  37. 9-10 billion animals are slaughtered for food every year in the US alone, yet many of the nearly 8 billion humans on the planet are starving and don't have access to clean water. Think about those numbers for a minute.
  38. Only about 9% of all livestock are pasture raised. Yet everyone I know who eats meat avoids factory farmed meat. Hmmmmm….
  39. If you don’t know where to start, stop eating it and stop wearing it and do the best you can.
  40. One person can make a huge difference.

Stay Strong AND Healthy!


Friday, September 2, 2016

Strength & Health TV - Episode 38: "Pre-Hab" Exercises for Restoration and Injury Prevention.

In this episode I talk about some of my favorite "pre-hab" exercises I use in my training and the training of my clients, lifters and athletes.

I first learned of the concept of the types of exercises from articles written by Louie Simmons of Westside Barbell and Dave Tate owner of Elite FTS, who was also a member of Westside Barbell.

Basically the pre-hab exercises should be done with bands or light weight for very high repetitions at the end of a workout or later in the day after the main training session, with the primary goal being restoration and injury prevention.

Generally for the the upper body I like to do some sort of pushdown, usually with bands, and some sort of upper back / shoulder / rotator cuff exercise. For the lower body I like to do some sort of leg curl, usually with bands or ankle weights, and some sort of hip extension. 

A general rule of thumb I stick to on this movements is to shoot for 100-200 reps in as few sets as possible.

In this video I demonstrate some of my favorite pre-hab exercises with bands.

I hope you enjoy this week's video and if you have any questions please contact me or leave them in the comments section below.

Stay Strong AND Healthy,


Thursday, August 18, 2016

Shane Carwin on the Importance of Strength and Conditioning for Fighters.

Photo courtesy of Fight! Magazine.

Shane Carwin was arguably one of the strongest, most powerful fighters in the UFC heavyweight division. Unfortunately a couple of injuries forced him to retire from the sport. Lately I've seen some comments on his social media about a possible comeback! 

A monster heavyweight with insane knockout power, Shane is also intelligent and well spoken. I had the pleasure of interviewing him for Fight! Magazine in April of 2010 after his huge KO victory over Frank Mir for the interim heavyweight belt, and meeting him in Vegas shortly after. Unfortunately Fight! never ran the interview, so I thought it would be cool to resurrect it since hearing the news about his possible return.

While this interview is a bit dated and may not reflect Shane's current training program, there are still valuable nuggets of information he shared regarding strength training and conditioning for fighters.

I hope you enjoy this interview and here's hoping we see Shane back in the octagon and dominating the heavyweight division soon!


Shane, thanks for taking the time to do this interview, I sincerely appreciate it.  It seems that more fighters are placing a greater emphasis on strength training and conditioning as a means to supplement their fight training.  This is definitely a shift from the idea that technique mastery is all a fighter needs to be at the top of their game.  What is your opinion on strength and conditioning for the mixed martial arts athlete?

I think it’s absolutely necessary.  Everyone talks about technique now, but everyone is working on technique.  People spend a lot of time studying all these different martial arts and what can really separate you is a good strength and conditioning program.  It’s just like any other sport; I think MMA is going to evolve a lot faster because all these other sports had to go through all these growing pains already. Strength and conditioning coaches already know how to get these athletes to perform at a higher level, that science is already out there for these fighters to take advantage of.

In a previous interview you said that you trained with weights three times per week and ran two times per week in addition to four weekly sessions of jiu jitsu, boxing, Muay Thai, and MMA training.  Has your training changed any since then, and how important is your strength and conditioning training to your career in the mixed martial arts?

It has changed.  I still do three times per week as far as the strength goes and conditioning is still part of that with the strength, but I get some of the conditioning during sparring and my one-on-one sessions, which we try to vary up a little bit.  Now I have eight practices a week on top of the strength, three are sparring, some are wrestling, and some are one-on-one with jiu jitsu or boxing. 

So by the nature of the sport practice itself you are finding that there is a benefit in terms of conditioning?

When you are going live you are definitely getting some of the conditioning in that is more appropriate for the sport, such as the pushing and pulling of the body and other things you’re not going to feel just by running.  Running is still good and definitely helps build endurance in the legs so I get some of that in there too.  A lot of it comes from practice and some of it comes from me, I feel what my body needs.

It seems that athletes always make the greatest gains in size and strength by following a steady diet of the basic, heavy barbell lifts such as squats, deadlifts, presses, etc.  Do these, or any other lifts, make up the foundation of your strength training program?

Yeah, absolutely.  You are not going to get bigger or stronger without doing those core lifts.  There are some other lifts that you can add for explosiveness.  I think the explosive training, along with the core lifts that you said, is the way to go for fighting – it’s basically a take-off of other sports.

Do  you use any other forms of training like kettlebells or sled work in your strength and conditioning program?

Absolutely, I would say that is a good portion of my conditioning.  I got away from running a little bit because of the pounding and the shin splints.  For conditioning we have had to do more circuit training that involves pushing the sled, burpees, medicine ball slams, plyometric pushups and things of that nature.

What does a typical training week look like for you? 

Monday, Wednesday and Friday are lifting days consisting of plyometrics, Olympic lifts, strength lifts, as well as some agility work.  My strength and conditioning coach also puts some general physical preparation (GPP) work in there and some core exercises.  This is typically done around lunchtime.  At night I’ll do some one-on-one in boxing and maybe jiu jitsu or whatever practice I feel I might need, it might be some wrestling as well.  Tuesday and Thursday mornings are sparring and at night it is usually wrestling or jiu jitsu.  Saturday is another sparring day and Sundays are my off days.  I think one of the main problems with the sport and so many of the injuries is that there is probably not enough off time because everyone is trying to get all these disciplines in.  It’s not like going out and training football where you train the same position five to six days per week. When you’re training in boxing, kick boxing, Muay Thai, wrestling, jiu jitsu, then do your strength and conditioning work it’s tough to get all that in and be where you need to be.  I definitely think that people can over-train in this sport very easily. 

Are there any specific restoration and recovery methods you find beneficial?

Yeah, I get some Muscle Activation Technique (MAT) work done by a guy named Matt Bernier that seems to help me the most.  I think everybody has different things that work for them.  I also do contrast baths.  At my house I have an ice bath and a hot tub right next to each other and I’ll go five in one and five in the other and go back and forth like that a number of times.  I learned that down in Louisiana when I was training for the NFL in 1998 with strength and conditioning coach Kurt Hester who was helping Chuck Wiley, Alan Fanaca and myself out.

Some people might not realize you went as far as you did in football being invited to the NFL Scouting Combine and a projected fifth round pick.  Do you ever miss playing football?

Absolutely, I love the sport and unfortunately what happened to me was I bulged three discs and ruptured a disc so at that point I was damaged goods.  You know it is what it is, I loved the game, I still love the game, and just driving in the fall I can smell that grass and get those feelings you know.

Is nutrition and supplementation important to your preparation and ability to recover between training sessions?

Yeah absolutely, as far as nutrition and supplementation goes, if you are not fueling your body when you are weight training and conditioning to me it’s no good without good wholesome whole foods and high quality sports supplements.  Without the fuel your body is not going to grow.

Is there anything you would like to add pertaining to your strength and conditioning or fight training program that people reading this may be interested in?

It amazes me that some of these fighters are just now saying they’re hiring strength and conditioning coaches - that’s crazy to me.  I can’t understand how they haven’t been doing strength work the whole time. 

It amazes me too.  I’ve always maintained that if you had two athletes, regardless of the sport, with identical skill levels, and one spent time building strength, power and speed while the other only worked on technique, the stronger more powerful guy would win every time.

Not only is he going to win, he’s going to destroy the other guy. 

Unfortunately I think when some fighters think of strength they picture a huge, super-heavyweight powerlifter who lacks mobility and some of the other skills necessary for fighters and that’s not the case.

No not at all.  Another thing those people are not going to like to hear is that it takes a long time to develop that strength and power.  It’s not done over a period of months; it’s done over a period of years.  You have to stay committed and dedicated to getting stronger and not expect it to happen overnight.

Shane, thank you sincerely for your time, I appreciate it and wish you the absolute best with your MMA career.

Thank you.

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Strength & Health TV - Episode 37: Strength vs. Skill

In this week's episode I look at the idea of "Strength vs. Skill" in athletic training and preparation.

This topic hit me after seeing a friend post a video on Facebook of a wrestler in a wrestling match against a bodybuilder. While these videos are entertaining, they are doing nothing but comparing apples to oranges and accomplishing nothing but to say that a wrestler would likely beat a bodybuilder in a wrestling match. I'd be willing to be the bodybuilder would beat the wrestler on stage at a bodybuilding show too.

Videos like this often lead to discussions about the importance of strength in athletic training and many different people usually have many different ideas.

In this video I share my opinion on the importance of strength, and other general physical preparation, in the development of an athlete.

I hope you enjoy this week's episode!

Stay Strong AND Healthy,


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Saturday, July 2, 2016

Strength & Health TV - Episode 36: Strengthening Weak Points.

In this week's episode I talk about the importance of identifying and strengthening weak points.

Weak points are essentially weak muscles that are holding your lifts or performance back. Weak muscles can also contribute to poor posture and structural imbalances as well.

A lot of times I hear trainers and coaches say to focus only on the primary lifts, for instance if you want to bench more, then bench more. Technique is certainly important, no arguments there. However if a small muscle is weak and holding a lift back, I feel it is essential to train that muscle hard in order to bring up the primary lifts. For instance, if your legs are capable of squatting 500 lbs and your lower back is only capable of holding 300 lbs your squat will be closer to 300 lbs. The way to fix this is by building up the lower back through special exercises like reverse hypers, back extensions, etc. I've seen this work time and time again with my lifters, athletes and general fitness clientele.

Hopefully you enjoy this week's episode and if you have any questions or suggestions on future episode topics please leave them in the comments section below.

Stay Strong AND Healthy,


Thursday, June 16, 2016

Kettlebells - The Punk Rock of Strength Training!

“Dude, kettlebell lifters are the punk rockers of the strength sport community!”
Competing with my fellow "punk rockers" at the 2009 Arnold Schwarzenegger Sports Festival.
This was the comment my good friend, and guitarist from my old band, Erik made when he came to watch me compete in the first Arnold Schwarzenegger Classic Kettlebell Sport Championship in Columbus, Ohio back in 2009.

After walking around the Arnold Sport Festival expo and seeing the bodybuilder, strongman, and powerlifter types the kettlebell sport lifters offered an interesting dynamic, wiry strength with insane work capacity. I think the kettlebell lifters combined had the most tattoos as well!

Even though kettlebells have been around for many years, they have had a big impact in the strength and fitness world over the last decade. At the highest level is kettlebell sport, a brutal feat of power endurance where athletes compete to see who can perform the most repetitions in the biathlon (jerk and snatch events) or long cycle (clean and jerk event) in a 10 minute time frame.

Outside of the kettlebell sport world strength and fitness enthusiasts are seeing the benefits from lifting kettlebells. They can be used as general physical preparation and conditioning for sport and strength athletes and a stand alone full body fitness system for health and fitness enthusiasts.

Erik was right, there is a definite parallel between punk rock and kettlebell lifting. The do it yourself, no time for bullshit attitude in the world of punk and hardcore is very similar to the bare-bones simplicity of kettlebell training, maybe that’s why my friend Jeremy, guitarist and founding member of Comeback Kid, texted me from a recent tour asking where he could find some kettlebells on the road.

Comeback Kid at the Masquerade Atlanta.
The benefits of kettlebell training are numerous: strength, endurance, active range of motion, building a strong and healthy back, strengthening connective tissue and keeping the joints healthy, and much more. All these things can benefit the touring musician. Ever been cramped up in a van with a band and gear? While a ton of fun, the life of a touring musician can be exhausting. Taking a couple kettlebells on the road to do a 15-30 minute daily workout can combat this easily! I remember an article from a fitness magazine about a tour bus driver (Metallica’s driver at the time if I remember correctly) who kept a set of kettlebells on the bus. When they got to the venue and the band would unload, he’d drag the kettlebells out into the parking lot and train!

When Comeback Kid came through Atlanta they stopped by my gym for a kettlebell training session, followed by some killer vegan food before heading up to Ohio for the next stop of the tour. After we went over the basic technique of the lifts, I took them through a short full body training sessions to demonstrate how with a kettlebell, a little bit of time, and a lot of effort you can kick your own ass pretty quick!
Lifting kettlebells with Comeback Kid at Extreme Performance Training Systems.
Comeback Kid’s Kettlebell Circuit

Notes: Do not rest between exercises, rest for up to a minute or so between circuits and repeat 3-5 times, this will give you 15-25 minutes of work. Use a moderately heavy kettlebell and focus on good technique and clean repetitions.

  1. Front Squat x 60 seconds
  2. Clean & Press x 30 seconds each arm
  3. Clean x 30 seconds each arm
  4. Snatch x 30 seconds each arm
  5. 1-arm swing x 30 seconds each arm

Kettlebells are a great option for strength and fitness. They can easily be incorporated into your current strength training program, and if you need to keep things at a low drag, bare-bones level like a touring punk rock band, they do very well as a stand alone training option. However, I strongly recommend you add Comeback Kid to your training playlist!

Stay Strong AND Healthy!


Saturday, June 4, 2016

Strength & Health TV - Episode 35: My Thoughts on "Conditioning".

In this video I go over some of my thoughts and ideas about "conditioning", a topic requested by one of our viewers.

I honestly feel conditioning is a bit of a generic term in the industry and most often when it is used it is referring to some level of cardiovascular fitness.

In the video I cover what conditioning is, how it relates to an individual or athlete, the difference between cardiovascular fitness and cardiovascular health and much more.

I hope you enjoy this week's episode and if you have any questions, comments, or suggestions for future show topics leave them in the comments section below.

Stay Strong AND Healthy,


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